Portrait Without a Face, Fox Jensen McCrory Gallery (Auckland) - 2018
Imi Knoebel's famous Face paintings join works by Jan Albers, Helmut Federle, Tomislav Nikolic, Coen Young, Ceara Metlikovec, Günter Umberg, Winston Roeth, Geoff Thornley, Matthew Allen, Gary McMillan and Sam Harrison
Portrait Without a Face, Fox Jensen Gallery (Sydney) - 2018
Portrait Without a Face brings together the works of twelve artists, ten of which would be normally described as “abstract" artists. Each of them, however, attend to the broader notion of portraiture with an intimacy and symbolism that makes their works redolent with character and force.
Fox Jensen Gallery at Art Basel Hong Kong - 2016
The Obstinate Object, City Gallery Wellington - 2012
Bekah Carran, Eddie Clemens, Paul Cullen, Bill Culbert, Ralph Hotere, David Cross, Don Driver, Scott Eady, Alicia Frankovich, Trent Garratt, Clinton Watkins, Regan Gentry, Brett Graham, Glen Hayward, Sam Harrison, Bronwyn Holloway-Smith, Yuk King Tan, Maddie Leach, Alex MacKinnon, Raewyn Martyn, Paul Maseyk, Shane McGrath, Ben Pearce, Ruth Thomas-Edmond, Francis Upritchard, Lisa Walker, Rohan Wealleans, Wayne Youle and Seung Yul Oh.
Naked, Jensen Gallery (Sydney) - 2011
Bourgeois, Ambramovic, Ruff, Fischl, Emin, Bellmer, Schneemann, Mapplethorpe, Rae, Harrison, Roeth, Man Ray, Henson, Monk, Freud.
Slight of Hand, The Suter Art Gallery (Nelson) - 2011
Sam Harrison, Megan Jenkinson, John Ward Knox, Julia Morison, Joe Sheehan, Peter Gibson Smith, Mervyn William and Emily Wolfe.
Subject as the Object: Considering Portraiture, Fox Jensen Gallery (Auckland) - 2011
Bruce Nauman, Imi Knoebel, Gunter Umberg, Ann Hamilton, Tony Oursler, Jude Rae, Sam Harrison
Naked, Jensen Gallery (Auckland) - 2010
This exhibition brings together artworks together that deal with the naked figure, more as a psychological state than as an object of academic scrutiny.
Brook Gifford Gallery - 2009